Protesting a Congresswoman's ties to defense contractors
Tim Revel photo, Columbus Dispatch, 6/12/06
Here I am presenting letters to Congresswoman Deborah Pryce's press secretary as part of the 'Red Handed' series of ads aimed at seated congresspeople (poster in background shows a bit of the redhand on Congresswoman Pryce, pictured with Tom DeLay). The event, for which I was the representative spokesperson as a veteran, highlighted the seeming connection between Congresswoman Pryce's having accepted donations from defense contractors, then having voted against a bill which would have established oversight. The Dispatch article, at takes the 'outside interests' approach, pretty much ignoring the reasons why we were there in the first place, although it does get mentioned, however briefly! And not a bad photo of the back of my head! Pity no view of my face.
here's a photo of our 'motley group'
I brandish letters to the Congresswoman, demanding she return oil money
We learned the following week that Time Warner cable locally was refusing to run the MoveOn "Red Handed" spot on defense contractors donations--so that caused another demonstration, a protest at their studios.
I'm in dirty jeans, talking to Justin Symonds, because I'd been gardening. Hardly the radical occupation!
Time Warner had the class to provide water and cookies--the kids especially appreciated that!
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