Our Town -ing
After all these years, I'm back on the stage--the brief appearance last spring for Women at Play's Hungry Hearts hardly counts, since I was on for only about three lines. Now I'm in Ohio State's production of Our Town in two fairly small roles: Professor Willard in the first act, and Joe Stoddard, the undertaker, in the third. A new faculty member, Jimmy Bohr, is directing, and asked me to be in it--since Jimmy had done a reading for me in November, of Emily Mann's Meshugah as the first step in what may become an ongoing Jewish Theatre Festival (and more about that at http://beyondborschtbelt.blogspot.com/), it was the least I could do. Memorizing lines is the most difficult part -- don't think I've gotten through a single rehearsal without a flub of some sort. Ah, well. It opens tomorrow. February 8th, and plays through the 25th. More about it at http://theatre.osu.edu, and a feature story in the OSU faculty/staff news magazine, http://www.oncampus.osu.edu/article.php?id=1095
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