midwest thoughts

occasional musings from the heartland, removed from distractions like mountains, seacoasts, and any elevation of the land -- flat other than the several glacial ravines that run through the area.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

March Madness -- Again!

It's March again, and, again, I'm mad. (See posting for March, 2006 for original madness.) Not about basketball, although Ohio State seems to be doing well in the tournament at least thus far. I'm mad, still, at the administration, for its shameful neglect of veterans, from the shoddy hospital situation to cutting benefits to ignoring funerals. I'm mad at Congress for having allowed conditions to get where they are, with no meaningful oversight having been exercised for at least ten years. I'm mad that this immoral war in Iraq has just passed its fourth anniversary, and that there's no end in sight. I'm mad that the American military that have now died in Iraq outnumber the victims of the attacks in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania on 9/11 (quite apart from the fact that there was no connection between those attacks and Iraq). I'm mad each time another example of how government does its work has been corrupted for party and personal loyalty over competence, whether its the Justice Department, FEMA, supplying equipment to the military, ordering substandard trailers, or any of the rest of it. And I'm really mad at the lapdog media that doesn't bother to investigate anything or verify anything (with a very few noble exceptions), and hopping mad at a public more than willing to be distracted by sports, the latest naked rock star crotch, or talentless celebrities and their deaths/lives/imbroglios. We get the government and policies we deserve, and we certainly deserve what an arrogant and authoritarian Administration is giving us now, as we lurch towards homegrown Christian Fascism more and more on the time passes and the good Christians try to exert more and more control over what everybody does.
